Monthly Archives: September 2015

Uintah’s Backpacking

uintah backpacking by lake

The first rule about Uintahs backpacking is you don’t tell people where in the Uintahs to backpack.  The second rule about Uintahs backpacking is you DON’T TELL PEOPLE where in the Uintahs to backpack.  The best part about Uintahs backpacking is being able to go out in the woods without crowds.  You typically don’t even need to backpack very far in to find this restful seclusion and you don’t typically need to backpack very far to find your own personal lake.  So all I can tell you about this backpacking trip is that it is near many lakes in the Uintah’s, and was awesome!

uintahs camping by lake

Sadly, we only ended up staying for one night even though we planned on 2 nights, we had to head back early to rush to the hospital for, what turned out to be, a false alarm.  But we ate like kings for that 1 day.

lo bade uintahs backpacking morning